Custom Monument Art
Made to Order
We make
Monument Art
from images that you send to us.
Made for your monument design software tools and
ready for sandblasting.
We make it easy.
When your customers demand a one-of-a-kind piece of art, whether it’s from a sketch, or an old brochure - an image from the web or a new found photo, we'll help you get the art you need.
Details & Pricing
We create high quality vector art from images that you provide.
We don't just scan & vectorize your images. We draw each line and arc 'by hand', ensuring that your stencils blast well & look great carved in stone.
Files are delivered next day in the format of your choice, with the blastlines of your choice & within a budget of your choosing.
Stencil Ready Art for your Monument Design Program
You choose your art budget. We'll detail your design to meet your budget. No surprises.
You choose your file format. We'll send universal dxf, Monu-Cad mcd, Gerber plt, Adobe ai format ... and others.
You choose the blastline that works best for your design and sandblasting preferences.
'Custom Art'
1 of our 6 Monument Art Services
Discover more about each of our six ArtPartner Monument Art services.
Ask us anything about our services and request a detailed price list.
Learn about our 'Art Partner' Monument Art Services
Our Monument Art Services

- Cemetery Photo Matching Service.
We match existing monument designs using a cemetery photo. An ideal solution for accurate family design duplication.
- Make any changes.
Alter lettering, change sizes, add or subtract art elements. Create a single from a double or vice-versa. - Attention to detail.
We're sticklers for accuracy. We could use a rubbing to complement a photo but, most of the time, just a clear photo and a couple measurements is all we need to make a great match.
All Photo-Matches include a full color rendering and a vector file for cutting, etc.
More about our Photo-Match Service.

- Monument Sandblast Stencil Cutting Service
Our cutters are your cutters. Let's get stencil on stone.
- We'll cut it.
We'll cut and ship stencil from work you've done on your own or work we've created together. - It's tallied.
ArtParners are charged per linear inch of stencil cut. It's tallied with your monthly ArtPartner subscription. - We're fair.
We offer affordable stencil cutting solutions using only quality stencil. - It's your choice.
We'll cut it on your choice of quality stencil. We offer our stencil cutting service using Premium and Premium+ sandblast resist.
More about our Stencil Cutting Service.

- Instant Monument Clip Art.
Search for and download instant clip-art for your monument design software. Search from a library of stencil-ready vector memorial art, created just for sandblasting.
- All art - any size.
All of our art is available at any size. We'll craft, on demand, a sandblast ready version at any size you need. If you find it, you can use it. - It's tallied.
Each art-piece is $10 and is tallied with your ArtPartner subscription.
A tool for designers.
Allows designers and design teams to search for and use art immediatly. And, remember, all art is available at any size. If you find it, you can use it.
More about our Instant Art Service.

- Full Color Proofs
from your Line Art layouts.
We'll create full color photo-quality proofs made from your 'line-art' layout files.
Send us your finished line-art layouts and we'll create color proofs that get approved.
- Let them see it in true color.
Get faster approvals consistently, because seeing is believing. - Professional PhotoShop quality.
Monument renderings for presentations worth remembering.
Professional quality, full color proofs that get approved.
More about our Color Proofs Service.

- A toolkit for Monument
Sales & Design
We've put together an ArtPartner 'tool-kit' to help your design department and sales teams service the customer - easier, faster, better.
- Design it together.
We offer our 'Live Designer' tool, for you to sit down and create something special with your customer. Create full-color proofs together with your customers. - Bring it all together.
We understand that customers may want to make changes or add something new to their designs, after they've left your design consultation. We offer an art search tool, designed just for your customer, that allows them to coordinate art choices directly with you with art immediately available to any ArtPartner - every peice of art in our Instant Art library of designs.
Design it together. Bring it together - with ArtPartner design and service tools.
More about our Sales and Design Toolkit.

- Custom Monument Art
Made to order.
When your customers demand a one-of-a-kind piece of art, whether it’s from a sketch, or an old brochure - an image from the web or a new found photo, we'll help you get the art you need.
- Made to your specs.
We'll create stencil-ready monument art from images you provide us. Made for your design software, ready for sandblasting - fast. - High quality, ready for sandblasting, monument art.
We don't just scan & vectorize your images. We draw each line and arc 'by hand', ensuring that your stencils blast well & look great carved in stone.
We'll help you get the art you need.
More about Custom Monument Art.

- What's an ArtPartner?
It's six monument design services wrapped in one 'go-to' art partner.
On-call & ready to help.
We like to think of our clients as partners. On our end of the partnership is a commitment to removing design bottlenecks that slow your design and order process. Our partners 'plug' our services into their layout and sales teams to build a better design and order workflow.
- Streamlined.
ArtPartners are offered one streamlined ordering, delivery and payment system, all wrapped in a monthly $1 subscription. As your team uses services, we'll keep a tally and add it to your ArtPartner monthly subscription, communicating every charge to you in real-time.
No surprises. Just easy. - The 'go-to' monument art service.
One monument design toolkit. Six essential services. A 'go-to' partner for monument designs, customer service & sandblast stencil cutting.
That's ArtPartner.
ArtPartner was purpose built to help streamline your monument design orders.
Life is complicated enough.
Make it a little easier.
More about how ArtPartner can help.